DLTS-Live Digital

  • Faculty-led Sessions

  • 100% LIVE & 2 Way Interactive 

  • Real-time

  • Inter-Participant Learning & Networking

  • Assessment 


Advantage of Live Digital

  • Content Neutral 

  • Location-Independent [implying that participants can attend faculty conducted 100% LIVE and 2 Way interactive classes from Anywhere

  • No need for any campus or IT infrastructure 

  • Scalable 

  • Transformational 

  • Green solution [no burning of fuel to travel to the campus nor use of paper

Live Digital VS. E-Learning System

RETAIN Advantages of E-learning- location independence, scalable, Recorded materials ButAVOID its Underlying Disadvantages–Asynchronous learning, mostly no faculty conducted session, mostly no assessment, no networking among participants since no concept of batch

Live Digital Program -2 hrs/day-7 days


Communication is the exchange of information and ideas, whether written or verbal. Effective communication skills are about conveying your message to others clearly. Communication is an important skill for successful businesses and for building relationships by influencing interactions either positively or negatively. Effective communication engages the choice and use of an effective communication channel and presentation of information to the target audience


People possess the necessary skills and knowledge for success. It is their attitude that lets them down.Most of them find it difficult to tap into and fully utilize their potential due to dysfunctional beliefs,passive attitudes,weak skills and misplaced priorities.That is why the Personal Excellence Program is designed to provide insights into effective management of “all aspects of life”.The result is better understanding and focus on those aspects that matter the most so that one can be innovative and “joyfully effective” at work.


Leaders should be aware of game theory and the most rational individual decisions their people might make.  We avoid scrutinizing the selfish side of ourselves and our people in the name of fostering competition or avoiding discomfort, but leaders have to address game theory to create great organizations.  Prime your awareness for situations with limited resources. When you see situations emerge with a less than optimal outcome if everyone makes individualistic decisions, change the game, i.e. make the selfish decision less appealing, or start reshaping your culture!


The objective of customer service is typically to interact with the customers in order to answer questions, resolve support issues, improve credibility, and nurture relationships.The most important objectives for customer service are to be timely and helpful. One without the other doesn’t cut it. A 3-minute response time is no good if it contains nothing of value to the customer.


Negotiation skills importance is present in every sphere of life, but these skills play a more important role in business and organizational settings as compared to our daily lives. The ability to negotiate effectively is highly appreciated in today’s competitive market. Business suffers a great loss due to poor negotiation skills while they can increase their profitability with better negotiation skills.


Individuals should start by identifying the qualities or characteristics that distinguish them from colleagues.

Individuals should think of themselves as a brand and that their approach to differentiation in the world should be exactly the same.

Individuals should look at themselves and try to identify why they stand out in relation to those around them

If they do not stand out, they should start trying to find ways to do so.


EI is essentially the ability to understand the emotions of the self and others and harness the same for inclusive productivity and excellence.It is not drop-down list of admirable qualities.Rather EI is a set of mental abilities that develop over time throughout the lifespan of an individual.It is become a vital part of how today’s leaders meet significant business challenges.This requires leader to be “Emotionally Intelligent” and that’s why this program equips them with the Emotional Intelligence competencies necessary to face today’s challenges. The result is a leader who can manage an empowered workforce to provide them with vision and mentoring,promote inclusion and team spirit and inspire internal stakeholders.


Creativity improves the process of solving problems. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about developing a new strategy or an innovative way to stay ahead of the competition. Creative problem solving gives that competitive edge that any business is striving to achieve


Coaching and mentoring is the modern, effective way to get the most from your employees — and to keep them committed to your company. The following list contains ten outcomes that coaching looks to achieve. When you coach your team, you’re aiming to make these ten outcomes happen.

Drive performance results that meet the needs of the group and the business.

Build high levels of employee commitment.

Develop employee skills and abilities.

Challenge employees to perform to their best and as self-sufficiently as possible.

Increase productivity by maximizing your resources.

Build constructive working relationships with your staff.

Maximize the use of your time so that you can have the greatest impact.

Provide leadership to encourage progress not only today, but also in the future.

Reinforce quality performance and employee accountability.

Make your life as a manager just a little bit easier.